Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Preface: Wanting to write for SNL or some paid sketch comedy gig, every week I'll post 5-10 sketch ideas to keep the mind going.  Think of these as pitches.  By next week I'll hopefully have completely written one or two. Some of the ideas will range from G-rating to R and may not be suitable for an SNL audience but still... this is practice in being productive/proficient. 

1: 100 parody- all our parents are up in some crappy space station?

2: Parody of upcoming/recently released tv shows- extant: mysteriously pregnant in space? Really?

3: Food art- artist sticking sandwiches on the wall

4: Two Evil Scientists- throwing out their trash at the same time: begin discussion.

5: First world problems- the game show!

I try to come up with 2-3 sketches for the coming host of SNL but as the season's closed... I'll choose someone I'd like to host the show:

Alexander Skarsgård

  • I'm Alexander Skarsgard and if there's anything I know about, it's guarding me myself and my loved ones from any type of skin deformation but especially from scars.  Millions of people were saved mostly because of my super scars guarding abilities
    • maybe this breaks down in a "who wrote this" 
    • or a fan coming up and asking why, why is this sketch happening   
  • Adults in pajamas playing kids at war with the forces of the super space gloomies and their pajama-whammies. He plays the leader who has seen too much tragedy, heedless amounts of carebears and mr potato head corpses lost to these nefarious enemies.
  • Obvious True Blood Parody.
    • everyone getting nervous over everything and continuously "fanging" out 
    • Random nakedness
    • constantly referring to Sookie
    • Woman shapeshifter keeps commenting how she's likes to shapeshift as Alexander's clothes
Also, If ye just happen to be from SNL or some other paying entertainment entity and want to hire me or the like, please e-mail me, Jon Desjardins, at LifeintheJon1 @ gmail .com (no spaces)

Top photo by columbia114


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