Monday, May 6, 2013

Check out my masterful artistry

That's a tripod.  I've been filming or trying to film a talk show at home but numerous things keep happening- battery not charged, sound equipment not working, missing plugs, wind, babies crying, not calling in to get the equipment.  Production Woes.  Hopefully next week I'll film again!

This was going to be the first "run" or short episode of comic strips but this may not happen.  A few things were going to happen, yes. A lot of Man verse Self, Man verse Technology things.  Right after this is another run that isn't completed... yet.  I'm not sure how many strips I've stockpiled left- better get drawing this weekend to keep up!

UPDATE: plotline suspended-- will pick this up another time.  Onto the the next!  For June's comics click here (please). 

Ha-haaaaaa! Just one possible future timeline for my daughter. "In a world gone mad, she takes comfort in only one thing- tampon packages."  ... I guess that could work as a movie slogan.  Anywho, she played with a tampon package for quite some time before finding things that make louder noises.

Sometimes you need to have a hobby when/while role-playing. Hmmm... just came up with a new slogan- "Love the Game, Finish Your Macrame."  Actually, role-playing was when I started drawing.  While waiting for X or Y, I could pay attention and get another line or two drawn.  This practice followed me through a number of waiting periods (ie: classes).  By the time I graduated I had 10 or so surrealistic "art books" and a good / productive time was had by all, the end.

Yes. Roll for initiative. I wish this for geeks, dorks, and nerds with dating.  Everyone carry around a dieThey go up to someone to connect/hookup, the other person thinks of a good number and voila! Possible date or bang occurs thereafter. The end.  This could work with many things. Make it so.



Yes. Cats are bastards and I have a weird serpentine arm in the second panel. Truth.

Pfff... an appointment. Who else would get to a car place at 8am on a Tuesday to get their car fixed? Just as a standing rule, you shouldn't need to make an appointment for anything (anything) at 8am.

 Um... it makes me laugh.

Sociopath. True fact, yo.


Dear chicks and dudes, I hope you enjoyed all of the pure, sweet nudity provided in this strip today. You're welcome.

I have to watch what I post on things... sometimes I get carried away with language and forget people like plain unadulterated or "un-adult" speak.  What I mean is things lacking a shred of complexity.  How often do we engage in adult speak?  There's baby/infant, child/adolescent, teen, teen-twenty-something, parent, adult, grandparent/wise/old person, and senile.  Most tend towards senile or teen-twenty-something, not a bad thing just interesting.

Anywho, today's lesson is yes, you should advertise the serving of throat-wettening beverages at your or anyone's gathering. Dear Abby, eat your blood-pumpy heart out.  

...just one more true fact: did you know, the heart is the body's own personal vibrator? Something else you should ask anyone but especially horny seniors (as it may confuse them): how's your own personal vibrator doing today?  (just be prepared for a grotesque, debaucherous, or slightly sexy answer).


Truth, yo. 

Centered around role-playing and the ladies in the group continuously saying "boned" and other words when encountering a group of un-fleshed skeletons. Yes, un-fleshed. Next time someone mentions "Skeletons!" ask if they were fleshed or un-fleshed, because you never know really (and probably don't want to appear stupid or anything). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My life = lots of contrasts


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