Monday, June 3, 2013

Check out my masterful artistry

The beginning of a short storyline!  Be prepared for a very random, sexy ending.  I usually stay in for lunch at work but on this particular day, things took an unexpected turn.  Read Last Month's Comics for more humor-filled splendor.


Were wolves, not was-wolves because that'd be past-tense, right? My favorite parts, the werewolf in the middle and the cloud holding the sun hostage.  Oh yeah, and the grass, I'm pretty proud of adding it in, giving this a bit more background.   

How many times have you come across one of these, am I right?  Also, more things should be described as "Stabby."

How many times have I said this... probably a billion.    

That's my suggestion to make most things better: ruin some werewolf's day.   Artistically, I'm still proud of the grass and the cloud's tears eyes, and face. Not so much the guy's left pinky... it's just sort of "out there" you know what I mean?

Many people don't know this but when cooking evil discoing werewolves, parsley really brings out a robust yet sweet and tender flavor. Also good with hollondaise sauce. Now if you're looking for a nice wine to go with the meal, I'd suggest a fine, aged moscato, nothing after 1979.  

In this drawing you'll notice most of my efforts went into the background. Obviously, the characters work in a non-descript, void in space.  This can be hard to capture but I think my work really shows through. Also, I spent four hours on Jon's tie, because really, you want to make sure you get these things right.  Oh, and don't get me started on their fucking shoes... something I still have to get right, that and noses.

Wahaaa!  Special awesome stabby thing!  Okay, so it looks like some weird, glowy dildo thing.  Not the best drawing... 

Off note: 'tis great having a stash of comics to just click the update button.  Less-stress fo' sho' but it also works against me- I forget that I need to work on next month's comics and the like to continue to have this nice, fuzzy, warmy good feeling. 

What did you expect to happen? Glowy, stabby weapons aren't allowed at most places of employment.  And so, the end! Or is it?  I had ideas to continue the storyline bordering on the fantastic. It involved everyone on the left being evil, awesome right? Maybe that part of the storyline will be put together as extras in a collection... 

While looking over the drawings, my mind wonders how the snake girl gets her clothes on or more to the point, how long it takes her not having arms and all.  Randomly, does anyone else find that duck thing strangely arousing and/or hauntingly creepy?  Anyway, I think I'm in love with scuba woman.  Stay tuned for some one-shot strips ahead!

Wah Wah. Trues.  These days I get nervous just walking by the couch. Next few comics- baby centric goodness!

Note: this is a misrepresentation. I don't get this as much with women but there are men I've met already that I will not let touch my baby ever (or as little as possible- fucking relatives).  The take: these people being sociopaths, feel the need to show their force over the parent and push that dominion onto the child.  Their touch is one of perversion.  People who can't respect a baby's boundaries or the boundaries set by the parents are worse than dipshit douchebag assholes wearing poop-filled anus hats at a no shit parade.


I ask store clerks and stockpeople for all of my critical exploits and you should too! Really, they've uncanny information on most research topics, scientific advancements, and topical information on just about any hobby.  Think "the garbage man" from the animated series Dilbert.

On another note, sometimes I forget what can be done with what and bought from where. Did you know for example, that with the perfect blend of frozen fruit, a twelve pack of absinthe-ish type of booze, shaving cream, and condoms you could build your own time machine?


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